What is a Business Model Canvas-CHANNELS

BLOCK N°3: Channels

The Channel building block is the tunnel connecting the Value Propositions to the Customers Segments.

A key feature of your relationship with your customers. Moreover is crucial in the customer experience.

Channels serve a number of functions, including:

  1. Awareness: Introducing company’s products and services to customers;
  2. Evaluate: Helping customers test a company’s ValueProposition;
  3. Purchase: Letting customers buy specific products and services;
  4. Delivery: Delivering a Value Proposition to customers;
  5. Support: Providing post-purchase customer support;
  6. Feedback: Getting feedback about the Value Proposition;

Thus, we distinguish five phases in each channel:

Moreover, we can make a distinction between direct and indirect channels, as well as between owned and partners channels:

Implementing the exact combination of channels to reach customers is important to launch the values propositions in the market.

Example: iPod Channels

Channels used to reach iPod customers are:

  • Apple Stores
  • Web: Apple.com
  • Partner stores

BLOCK N°3: Customer Relationships