PSI (Purchase / Sale / Inventory)

To be more effective at your work you have to find a solution how to not the repeat the job two times, so think to create templates instead of documents:
Per example create a template for your monthly report so each month end you can fill it by month data and you get your new report ready to use.
Productivity Speed-Up
And I suggest you to use Microsoft Excel for doing that.
Below you find some snapshot of one of my ready to use Excel Sheet the PSI (Purchase / Sale / Inventory) for tracking my commercial activity monthly. What I have to do in the beginning of each month is to fill only the sales (Qty and Amount) and the order (Qty, unit price, unit cost):

PSI v1.0
Cells in grey to complete with the order information
Cells in green to complete with sales information
Thus I can have a full view of all my commercial activity:
1-Sales (Actual vs forecast)
3-Inventory (Amount and Day of stock)

And ofcourse there is a way to show total activity and sub total by category.