After the return of Steve Jobs, in 2001 Apple launched a new portable media player, they called the iPod, the device enables users to transfer music and others content to/from a computer through the Itunes software. In addition, this program provides a seamless connection the Apple's on-line store, so users can purchase and download content.
This potent combination of device, software and on-line store quickly disrupted the music industry and positioned Apple on the first line of the market. In fact, iPod wasn't the first media player in the market, others devices were leading the market (Such us Diamond Multimedia) until they were outpaced by the iPod.
Analysing and studying this story, many questions jump in our head:
- How they do it?
- What is different than other devices?
- How they mixed this magical potion??
Searching for answers, we found that Apple didn't innovate in the device instead they innovate the Business Model.
Consequently, we switch our search to "How to Craft a Successful Business Model?"
If you are an entrepreneurial spirit or you are thinking about how to create, innovate or enhance a business, we highly suggest you to subscribe to our blog we will show you:
Chapter 2: Which Pattern to apply?
Chapter 3: How to Design a Business Model?
Chapter 4: How to Setup a new business model Canvas?